Friday, October 27, 2006

If you come across the fancy feeling, don't let it go.
Even though you are living in a busy world, don't let it go easily.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

This is the wonder land which I really want to go before my life goes ending.
The reality can not always satisfy people. After all, it is not the dream. It's objective and even without sympathy.
The reality is unpeaceful. I cannot find the peace but only I can spare out a tiny place for it in my heart.
The reality sometimes makes me confused when I graduated from the univeristy. I even doubted about the words I read on books before. " Am I cheated?" I asked myself from time to time.
I am still searching for evidence to deny my question.
But where is it now?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Where does the path of my life go?
I am wondering.
Where is the sea that I have been looking for?
I am wondering.
Would I spend my whole life finding the answer?
I am still wondering.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Embrace the sun light.
Embrace your wonderful life.
Never lose your heart if you still have dream.
Most of time what we need to do is only to remember holding and persisting.
The sun always rises every day, which means never giving up the hope of your life.